Tube Power Amp Suggestions

I have been looking for a tube power amp. Ideally I want to have about 40 to 70 watts output power, with sound qualities as close to a delicate SET amp as possible, with lots of details, fast, good tone (a tiny bit on the warm side) and imaging, yet with good bass and dynamic. Budget is about 10,000. Second-hand is fine. I know I am asking really too much and will probably get negative response because of this. I just want to get the best within my budget.    
My initial considerations are EAR 890 or EAR 861. What do you think?      
I heard people saying that push-pull amp can be better than SET if it is implemented well, but push-pull is more difficult to make than a SET amp.    
My speakers are measured 91db sensitivity, but it needs power to perform well. I have tried both a SET 300B XLS output at 13W and a push-pull EL34 at about 35W. My impression is as follow:            
- SET 300B XLS output at 13W: more delicate and smooth, better resolution and density, lack bass and dynamic       
- Push-pull EL34 at 35W: much more bass and dynamic, sounds a bit coarse, less 3-dimensional and delicate     
Thank you in advance for your input. 

In the 6C33C camp, I love my Audio Mirror 45 Watt SET mono blocks. New cost way under your budget. Drive my 87dB speakers very well, and the sound is glorious. Money left over for tubes and power cords.
@bigdish You say your speakers are 91 db; do you know the impedance? What speakers are they?
Inquiries regarding the  speakers have been made several times. This is obviously important when trying to successfully match with a power amplifier.
You should call Steve Deckert at Decware...he has what your looking for and at the right price!!
For $10K I will build you any type amp you want.!  I am talking customer point-to-point wired with better parts than anything you can buy.

Happy Listening.