Ayre Codex - to keep or not to keep

I'm using a balanced headphone and the RCA out to my single-ended amp in DAC mode.  Here is my concern, when I do A/B comparison using headphones in balanced and unbalance modes, there is a night and day difference in the sound quality. In balanced mode, the music is much more resolving at all volumes (especially higher volumes), with better imaging and sound staging across the highs and lows. Initially, I thought the major difference was just the increase in volume but now, I don't believe that's the case. In general, Ayre's equipment really seem to be designed to be used in balanced systems. Can anybody confirm that in DAC mode, the XLR balanced outs sound noticeably better than the unbalanced RCA outs like with the headphone outs?  The Codex still sounds very good via the RCAs but I'm wondering if there are other DACs in the market, in the same price range, that sounds better in a single-ended system.   With that said, I have few different options, one I can move away from a single-end amp design and get an amp with balanced circuitry (would like to get the AX-5 Twenty for it's out of my budget and AX-7e is not powerful enough for my speakers) or I can look into a getting a different DAC that works better in a single-ended system.  Let me know what you guys think. Thx
I agree that Ayre equipment sounds better in balanced mode than it does in unbalanced RCA output mode. I am currently using an Ayre AX-7e integrated amplifier and it does sound better in balanced mode. I am seriously considering the Ayre Codex DAC and am planning to audition one shortly.  The Ayre AX-7e has 60wpc at 8ohms and 120wpc at 4 ohms. I do not know what speakers you are using but you might want to audition the AX-7e.   It is an excellent amplifier and matches well to the Codex DAC.

The Ayre AX-5 Twenty is also an excellent amplifier (and more expensive) and you might consider a pre-owned unit (or  demo unit).   For its price, the Ayre Codex DAC is an excellent DAC and you are going to have to spend more money in order to get similar audio performance.  

Many of the reviews of Ayre equipment confirm that running them in balanced mode improves their sound quality.  Everyone has a different opinion on this topic but it is my opinion that running equipment designed to run in balanced mode sound better (like Ayre).  
I run the CODEX in balanced mode and it sounds amazing.   I'm with hgeifman--you will be better served by getting a fully balanced integrated than by dumping the CODEX.

Hi Lee!!

The gold standard is Jensen. Very expensive, but very very good.

I make these converters from German parts for far less, but still very good.

