Best pressing of Tchaikovsky's Violin Concerto?

I’m ready to start into the classical side of my vinyl collection, and I’ll start with my favorite piece? Any recommendations on a well-recorded, played, and -mastered vinyl pressing of this? Should I start with the '56 Heifetz? Or the Van Cliburn?
Not much not much better than Heifetz on Living Stereo.  Also available as SACD hybrid which sounds quite good.  

Heifetz, Stern, Milstein, Oistrakh or Perlman would be good analog.  Mutter or Bell would be digital.  Mutter/Karajan available on DVD digital video.  I really like that one.
Personally, I'd take a little less in the sound department if the performance hits me as something special. 
Thanks, all. Just ordered the Heifetz original '56 recording from Discogs AND the Acousticsounds reissue.