Decided to change my cd player, suggestions please?

Ok so I guess this is as much a change just for the sake of change, lol, as tbh I am pretty happy with my setup but it has been the same equipment for the last 3 years so just what the heck, lets fiddle.....

So present equipment is:
Krell KAV250A
Acoustic Research LS2
Krell s-350
Usher cp-6381

Now i listen nearly exclusively to rock, mostly modern rock like Avenged sevenfold, stained, shinedown, saving abel, halestorm etc etc. Some more classic rock if I am feeling mellow.
I do not believe anything much else will ever grace my systems

I fully realize I may take a step backward or two but if there are far more expensive players out there there may be one that suits my ears better.

Budget is up to $4k used or new

Any good suggestions please.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xuberwaltz
Hi goose,

You may want to contact Agoner "wig" re: the MW Marantz. He bought one and sold me his MW5400ES so he could give you his impressions of the sonic differences in the two. Great guy.

Best to you goose,
I second the Esoteric choice, HOWEVER, they do not last a lifetime. I bought one recently. UX3se. It wouldn't read some discs. The repair center said that ALL UX units needed to go back to Japan for calibration. ($2000.00 for that alone). I returned the unit. I bought another Esoteric. Before the seller shipped it he informed me that the transport made a little noise when spinning. The factory said he may need bearings soon. Both of the players are in the 10 year old range. I was most impressed with the sound. If you like rock, the Esoteric sound is for you. Do not buy a UX machine though. Joe
Thanks Joe, my readings had sort of confirmed the ux series was not quite up to par compared to some other Esoteric offerings even though there is a ux being offered fairly local to me.
Not sure as I overly concerned on going the total digital route with usb et al. Huge collection of cd,s and no inclination to rip them to any music serve in the near future...
Buy an Oppo 105 and use the dedicated Sabre DACs for critical stereo or multi-channel listening direct from disc.  For more casual listening, rip all your CDs to FLAC (lossless format) and move them to an external hard drive.  Plug that into your Oppo for convenient, beautiful listening (as I am doing now).
I tried Oppo 105D, Sony MW5400, esoteric, wadia, etc etc. Gamut CD3 best spinner ever. Gamut rooms always crowded and always best of the show and this CDP it is always used. Organic you can taste the instruments.
Good luck