active room nuetralizer???

I am curious about this new product,and am a big fan of acoustical treatment .When i added room treatment my system really opened up and my low end also became much tighter.I am just wondering if the experts have any input,my first thought is for applications not allowing panels.Yes i know there are a million tweeks ,good ,bad and placebo.I have no affilaition so lets hear your opinions.

There’s a bunch of active and passive room "neutralizers" including but not limited to SteinMusic Harmonizer, tiny little bowl resonators of various manufacture, Lessloss Blackbody, 1 GHz Ultra Tweeters, Sugar Cubes from the tiny little bowl guy, Marigo VTS Dots for walls and windows, tiny crystals for room walls from Acoustic Revive, Schumann Frequency Generators of various manufacture primarily Acoustic Revive and Mpingo disc.
...and just to add to the mix of things one can do, I ran into this tidbit.  Since I like to 'run the room' eq'd for flat response as much as practical, this seemed a tempting approach...

Enlist the room in fixing itself.  A simplification, sure, but interesting.  Might minimize the amount of 'stuff' needed to tame the space.

Just a suggestion...

...appealed to me as it would seem to be an easyish thing to DIY....I have a lot of other things I'd drop 3K$ on these days...
erik ,
I mispoke earlier,my post about my slap echo and using traps on the ceiling .I meant absorbing panels on the rafters ,I do not have a problem with panels and my wife is very cool .I was asking about people who are not able to run panels. Interesting info....
@erik_squires - sorry to hijack the OP, but I have a question on the Bag End. Have you actually used the Bag End E-Traps? I have a pretty good room and do not have any major bass ringing. However, I do have a huge hole around 80hz where bass just falls out (this is a room node where I’m sitting). The Double-Bass Array (DBA) configuration that is popular in Germany would probably solve my problem, but it is just not practical for me to do in my room. I have looked at general broadband absorption, Helmholtz resonators, membrane panels from GIK, etc. I tried a pair of GIK full Soffit bass traps, but I didn’t like them -- they seemed to suck all the life/excitement out of the room. I am curious about the flex-range limiter panel on their monster bass traps and the tuned membrane. I haven’t yet looked into spending money on this problem (maybe next year). My initial thoughts were to try the flex-range-limiter option. However, this Bag End E-Trap looks really effective. There is one review where the user was able to restore a big dip in the bass area. Other feedback indicates the Bag End cannot restore big dips - it can only reduce bass peaks/ringing. Do you have any experience with this?