Power cords for UHD Blue ray.

Greetings. Any suggestions on what power cords to use on digital video?
I went from stock to GTT PCs (those flexible blue cables with clear molded ends) and the picture was better. Anyone could see the difference. What really improved the picture was when I tried some Cullen PCs. 

I have a plasma TV and thought the blacks were great until I put the Cullen PCs on the TV. Talk about inky blacks. Pluge was rendered exceedingly well. Watching  something like Law & Order, I could truly appreciate the craftsmanship of low light settings when done well. There were an infinite amount of shading from light to dark. Colors popped and contrast was great.

I also use a Cullen PC on my OPPO with similar results. It's really all you need and it won't break the bank. However, if I has enough disposable income, I'd opt for some more TWC PCs, but that's just me.

All the best,

Thanks for your responses. I have a Furman Elite 20,so that takes care of that. Connected W/ Cullen cable, & my two amps are also connected W/ Cullens cables. I just might have to call Cris & order another pc..
Your best bet,as you seem to know,is isolation and conditioning for power to your new source. Happy listening and happy holidays. Pete