Do Integrateds sound better than Receivers?

I have a Rotel reciever as amplification for my system, but would like to upgrade to an integrated amp. One reason for this is that I don't listen to my radio. But the other reason is that I've been lead to believe that an integrated amp will sound better than a receiver. Is this necessarily so? How might having a tuner in the same chassis affect the sound quality of the amp? For example, would a Rotel integrated amp sound better than a Rotel receiver?
In theory yes...but how old is your receiver? If its an older vintage rotel receiver...then yes a current rotel intergrated would sound better when listening to non-radio sources...older vintage tend to have very good if you ever have the hankering to get back into free tunes...might want to keep it for a 2nd any rate...the rotel 1062 is a very nice piece... have your componets listed...and your receiver is a current Rotel model...that being said...i dont think moving to a rotel intergrated is going to be a quantum leap in performance...more of a lateral move...
Posting to a thread that has been idle for 8 years, I am obviously wacko.
I have a Rotel RX-1052 receiver. I'd love to experiment with a pre-amp upgrade; but the 1052 does not have a mains-in or any way to bypass the pre-amp that I am aware of. It does have a pre-out, so I could experiment with different amps and use the 1052 as a pre only.

Does anyone think that would be a worthwhile step between where I am and moving to separates, or would it be better to chuck it and get an integrated? I was really looking for an integrated when I bought the 1052 used for $200 (well worth it!!!), but could not find one with the power I was looking for that was manufactured in the last 10 years.

I'd love to upgrade to a Prima Luna or Belles Aria, but I'm not at that budget level yet. Also, since I have Stax headphones, I really need A+B speaker connections to avoid running my speakers through the Stax power supply.
I'm reading these posts about all the buy/sell issues.   I bet I've spend close to a million dollars on that same quest.   If I had my youth again, I'd wait/save/then buy really good stuff.  I know someone will say, but all that really good stuff will be bettered next year.  I have found that nearly always, its the faceplates that get upgraded....not so much the sound.