dts question

I am thinking of upgrading my system by incorporating a dts decoder. I already have a dolby digital decoder though. Does anyone know the difference and know if it is worth getting into. Is there a noticable differnece betweene dts and dolby digital. And if there is a difference, is it small or large.

any inputs will be greatly appriciated...
Small difference.

DTS does sound a little bit sharper, but the difference is not exactly jaw-dropping.
I personally favor DTS, but im more than happy with DD
The differences are more subtle than in the past. DD has improved but dts is still superior with the noticable difference being somewhat deeper , tighter bass. The midrange is slightly cleaner but not dramatically so . However dts IS superior so if your system is capable of the extended bass response and the systems resolution is good then do it. Especially if you are a theatre nut , ......like me. The definitive dts movie is The Haunting by the way.
There are DTS music disc's also, I have a few and they sound pretty good.

I disagree with brainwater the ultimate DTS disc is Final Destination-II.

Yes, DTS is the bomb if you've got a fairly good system to start with. In a mediocre system it may not be noticable at all.

Personally I think I'd wait till your upgrading your preamp to worry about it. Make sure your DVD player has it too or "No Joy"