New Component Upgrade Success Rate

I like to try a new component once in a while when the upgrade bug hits.  Cables, tubes, power cords, power conditioners, headphones, maybe even something major like a preamp or a DAC.  I've noticed my successful adoption rate is pretty low and I usually end up returning the new component.  About one out of every four or five attempts is a success.  I'm batting about .200.   What is your successful adoption rate when you try something new?
I've had two new items returned in my journey so far because I could. Others were sideways improvements meaning different not necessarily better. These items were bought used and I stuck with them but that was a good thing. It helped to get the experience learning what different gear sounds like. Some things I'd like back and won't forget em. I've had much more of a rewarding experience tuning, tweaking, learning it's not always a component right off the shelf new or used that's gonna get me there. I would say my "success" rate is damn near a 100% percent because everything is a learning experience. The one true surprise/failure was my one experience with a mc. Nails on a chalkboard to my ears. That was through a step up into my Quicksilver. I didn't even think it was worth trying to work with it. I will try again with something else. The other surprise was a 2k ss phono that was cool but the heavens didn't open up with a choir of angels either. Gonna just enjoy the music now for awhile. It's not perfect but I know it's weaknesses and its strengths. The Decca super gold whispers in my ear at night tempting me from Grado though. 
I like to try a new component once in a while when the upgrade bug hits. 
I am sort of beyond trying new flavors of components just to satisfy an upgrade bug.  As you are finding out, as I did years ago, the actual improvement with electronics and peripheral items like cables is only very slight.  If at all.  Its the transducers in a system like cartridges and speakers that will have the biggest sonic impact and I am pretty much where I want to be with these.

Much better to analyze where the weak links are in a system and address these.  I am having a harder and harder time finding them in mine so I guess I am done for awhile.
"Much better to analyze where the weak links are in a system and address these."

You hit the nail directly on the head, pananeer.

Best to you,

My rate is 90% as i know what i am doing don't rush into upgrades without hearing them in my system first this is the key.Good luck with your next upgrade.
Getting the "bug" to upgrade can be expensive.  Knowing what you "need" and filling that need is a different matter.  A friend of mine once said, "the two most expensive things in life are vanity and impatience."  I agree totally.