Quack System Upgrades

Ok, so what's the most ridiculous "SNAKE OIL" upgrade you have come across?

Let the fun begin HAHAHA :) :)

"This is meant to be a humorous post Dave, not out to stir up anything at all, and don't mean to. Lets just have some fun and laugh."

Understand crazyeddy. My post was the fourth and already things were turning personal. Lots of history, you see...

It is good to see that things are staying in a good place since.

Best to you crazyeddy,
Blue Jeans Cables are great. Especially if you consider overall value (price to quality to performance). I have personal experience with their speaker wire and RCA interconnects. If you put them in a system compared to much more expensive wire and perceive a "big and unmistakable" difference you should call into question which set of cables is reproducing the sound correctly (measurably closer to faithful reproduction of source) as opposed to which you merely prefer.

Yes Dave, I did notice how things were turning in an un-intentioned manner from my post. I had hoped for humor. Lets hope for some laughs out of this and nothing more.

Tis the season to be jolly :)

All the best to you as well Dave,


Shadorne 12-26-2016
Good quality and well designed equipment should be highly sensitive and revealing of the source and not the wires used to connect equipment together. Audio 101 basics in design and quality.
Good point, Shadorne.  My perception has been that audiophiles often tend to overly conflate the ability of a component or system to resolve musical detail with its ability to resolve differences in hardware or tweaks.  Obviously there can often be some relation between the two, but assuming everything is of reasonably good quality the correlation between the two is far from perfect.  An obvious example illustrating that point is that a speaker having challenging impedance characteristics will tend to be more revealing of amplifier differences than one that is easy to drive, yet that says nothing about which speaker will provide better resolution of musical detail or better sound quality.

By the way, I've been meaning to say that it's good to see you back here lately. 

Best regards,
-- Al

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