Wilson Audio Haters

I've always wondered why there are so many people out there, that more than any other speaker manufacturer, really hate the Wilson line. I own Maxx 2's and also a pair of Watt Puppys. They are IMHO quite wonderful.

Why does Wilson get so much thrashing?

As several others have noted, "hate" is the wrong word. Opinions are a dime a dozen in this hobby and everyone has one. It's a simple issue of different people having different preferences.

I've heard Wilsons many times and they are not my cup of tea. I don't find them all that natural sounding. They suffer from what I call the "Kodachrome" effect -- impressive, but, to me, not natural. Throw their price tag on top of that and my response is "definitely not for me."

You can blame the set up, associated equipment, room acoustics or whatever, but my impression has been consistent in every encounter.

That said, lots of other people love them. Not much different from the way people respond to every other category of products out there, whether cars, cameras, cooking equipment or whatever. Big deal... buy what you like and leave the rest. 


YES Dave, I must present him with one of my customs. Fair trade for a new set of WAMMS. Damn, what was I thinking??? Perhaps you should come to work for me in sales !!!!

"Fair trade for a new set of WAMMS"

That was my thinking, eddy. ;>)

Best to you,
I actually heard the original WAMM's, at John Garland Audio in San Jose. I think they were priced at around $80,000, in 1980's money. Didn't think about them again for years until Brooks Berdan, shortly before his death in 2011 (seems like a lot longer ago), took a pair in trade on whatever were the biggest Wilson's at the time. Those two loudspeakers would have made for an interesting comparison!