Paradigm Personas anyone heard them

No reviews on these yet that I can find. Curious if anyone has heard them and what were your impressions. Also any comparisons to the outgoing signature series?
Thanks for the input Mr. Audiotroy. I am very interested in buying a pair of persona B's given the feedback in this forum. I may have to buy blindly due to the fact that the closest dealer is over 300 miles away from me. How would you stack up the paradigm persona B against the best monitors out there. Like the sonus faber guarneri evolution, Raidho monitors, vivid 1.5, Harbeth 30.1 etc. Do they go as deep in the bass as the sonus guarneri?natural midrange as the harbeth? are they as transparent and "boxless" as the vivids? and are they as musical as the Raidho?
First pair of F3s for sale on Audiogon I believe. If they were within pickup distance I would be tempted. Guy only had them for a week. Must not have been his cup of tea. 

There's a nice pair of Joseph Audio Perspectives for sale at the same price that would be well worth a listen if you happen to be in the Boston area.  Just FYI. 

Please contact us if you need more info on the Paradigms. 

They are way better than the Josephs.
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