Securing Monitors to a stand

I just got done with my latest DIY project, building Speaker monitors.

They are bigger and heavier than most standard size monitors and though the stands that are used are solid and the speakers sit on them firmly, a good bump may topple them.

I am presently using Herbies Big Fat Dots under the speakers, but they don’t really anchor the speakers to the stand. Blue Tack can be used but, wouldn’t hold much. I thought of using mirror clips with padding but that would involve drilling holes in the bottom of the speakers.

Anyone have a better idea?



The stands should be the exact same dimensions as the speaker. Blue Tac will remove veneer so if your speakers are veneered don't use it. I've used monitor speakers since 1979 without anything to anchor them and I've been fine. My current Harbeth's are sitting on little rubber dots. My new Harbeths are being delivered this Saturday and I'm not sure what I'll use but it ill not be blue tac.

Herbie does not recommend Sorbethane and neither do I, deadens the sound and leaves a residue on the surface.
No evidence of residue on mine...Nothing dead about the way my speaker and stand fact there really isn't any evidence of a tone that sorbethane makes...just plain works,no mumbo jumbo...has some tack to it (that is what oz was looking for I think)...My ears recommend what i hear...
You could use black felt 'cushions' on the cabinet corners under the zipties to protect the finish - better that than a toppled speaker.


Good luck with your new speakers. I have read good things about Harbeths speakers.

The stands have a small metal top with no holes in it. The speaker overlaps the top a lot. Perhaps I should look for a new stand. But, the stand is very bottom heavy.

dill, digsmithd,

It may be worth it to try the Sorbethane and see if it does deaden the sound. I think I may have some pads from my Grand Prix stands to also try.