Latest AVPs with HDMI 1.3a

I am in the process of building a state of the art home theater with true acoustic engineering and all the tricks built in. However, as I contemplate the equipment to use, I'm at a loss. It seems the latest technology on Blu Ray has some real upside but there aren't a lot of choices in separates. Can you all recommend or at least list the latest AV Processors with full up to date HDMI 1.3a support. All responses will be greatly appreciated.

Dale Troutt
Can you all recommend or at least list the latest AV Processors with full up to date HDMI 1.3a support.
Dale Troutt

Was wondering why 1.3a support? Do you plan on very long runs of hdmi cable?
You need HDMI 1.3a receiver or processor to be able to decode Dolby TrueHD and/or DTS HD.
Mtrot wrote: "You need HDMI 1.3a receiver or processor to be able to decode Dolby TrueHD and/or DTS HD."

One or the other is necessary but not sufficient. One can have HDMI 1.3a in both and still not have the necessary codecs in either.
