One Fathom 113 or Two SVS PC-Ultra Subwoofers

I am trying to decide what to do here. I think cost will be the same with shipping. I just don't know my room size because I will be moving to a new city. But I do not have a dedicated home theater room. I just have a living/dining room where my piega home theater is set up. What is your recommendation?

Well, not having heard the JL's, my first thought is "Nice Ad's" in the magazines. They at least talk a good schtick!
When I saw their ad for the new F212 sub, my impression was that they were presenting it like Nasa had designed it, Ferrari had built it, and Metalica's Lars Ulrich was endorsing it!
Well I've sold Thiel's, Wilson's, and Entech's subwoofer's over the years, including the large Woofer Towers from Martin Logan. And make no mistake, one (or two) several thousand dollar subwoofers IS NOT going to make your system "world class!", by itsself - for the record. And I certainly wouldn't be running out to upgrade my system with any such things, ASAP, in hopes of moving one rung closer towards championing the worlds greatest audio systems!
But, I'm sure they're nice pieces, and likely good tools to work with. I'll have to try one some time, and certainly look for a JL setup at the next "Show" that comes around.
Till then, it's just another product to be properly or improperly integrated into an otherwise, hopefully, well thought out and executed audio system.
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Might be worth waiting for and auditioning the coming Emotiva subs...should be major for the money. Offers are a single powered and a double setup w/ outboard amp. Very state of art features as well.