King Cobras vs Straightwire Chorus II, unintentional comparison

I go back and forth on just how much difference exists between the various brands and levels of Interconnects,  HDMI cables, etc.  I've probably spent more than I should have through the years on cables.  My system consists of primarily AQ and Straightwire cables.  Yesterday my pair of AQ King Cobras (RCA connections) crapped out developing some type of short for the second time this year.  See below paragraph for more information.  They simply stopped working.  They were connecting my Marantz UD5007 to my Integra surround sound processer.   I went to my box of surplus cables and grabbed an older pair of 1 meter Straightwire Chorus II ICs (level 2) as back up. Still work perfectly.  Well OMG, they sound just as open, clear, sharp and detailed as the King Cobras.  I've got them on now and honestly I cannot tell the difference.  I paid $200.00 for the Cobras about 4 years ago and only about $65.00 for the pair of Chorus IIs.   What the ???   Discussion or have we beat this topic to death here on Audiogon? 

About my pair of King Cobras (RCA), I noticed this problem earlier this year and returned them to AQ under an RMA.  Received them back bench tested and thoroughly checked out.  No problems found.  They worked for a while until last evening.  I'm done with them and will probably just chuck them out in the trash.   Unbelievable. 
As stated above, the new Expressivo and Expressivo Grande cable does not have the plastic coatings over the mesh. I would imagine it would make it more manageable and enhance performamce. And you can choose different colors.

I also used the Serenade interconnects and speaker cables in the past. I used two separate runs in a true biwire configuration on B&W speakers. Excellent results.


I'm aware of the different casings on the Expressivo (trying those and  other interconnects in the Straight Wire lineup) and, while they are very good, they do not compare to the performance of the Crescendo 3s in my system.  The Crescendo 3s are just on a whole different level.

I was able to maneuver them into place and they won't be removed for anything based on how they great they sound. 

I haven't thought about biwiring with Serenades since they are only used in my bedroom system, but I'm sure that they sound excellent in that application based on my experience using them.
I used Crescendo speaker cables (the ones that looked like an anaconda) for years and thought them to be superb. Actually auditioned the much more expensive Transparent Audio Reference XL vs the Crescendos in my system and sent the TAs back.

Used Maestro cables before the Crescendos and thought them good enough to keep them around for a rainy day. Jim Thiel recommended these back in the day with Thiels.

Crescendo had a more powerful and full bass as well as a more refined upper region to my ears.

I agree that it is hard to understand why Straightwire lost their presence in the audiophile marketplace in recent years. Didn’t it have something to do with a relationship with WireWorld?
