Proac Response D 48/Tannoy Kensington

I was curious if anyone has had the opportunity to compare the Proac Response D48 and Tannoy Kensington. I realize they are probably quite different but I was interested in what you all thought. I have heard the Proac's on a few different occasions and was really impressed with what I heard. Recently, someone told me I should seek out the Tannoy Kensington's before I bought anything, but that isn't easy here in the states. There are a few dealers but it would require quite an effort to hear the Tannoy's. Thought I would seek your opinions before I did anything else.
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Thanks so much for sharing.  That is awesome that you could hear both speakers in the same environment.  Does the high pass filter on the Vandersteen require additional cables, or are they provided with the filter?  It looks like the Quattro would retail for $4,000 - $5,000 more than the Proac, so I would just need to decide if there is that much difference between the two speakers.

I will let you know my impressions of the Quattro when I hear them.  I owned a pair of Vandersteen 2C's years ago and loved them.

Thanks again for your thoughts.

The cables are attached at either end of the filter so you don't have to supply additional cables.  The filters are matched to the impedance of your power amp via some dip switches in the filter housing.  What equipment will you be using with your new speakers?

I don't think the comparison between the Proac and Vandersteen is relevant this are two totally different speakers for different purposes, While the Proac is for medium size room and modest amplification can be enuog the Vanderstten are for bigger space and needs a lots of power to drive them. 
The question is what are your needs and not if the Vandersteen is better than the Proac!
randyhat, you mentioned the Proac was more in your face and etched.  Was it in a hard, shouting,  irritating way in general terms or just relative to the Vandersteen?
Hello to all. I have tannoy Kensington Gr.
Before buy i listened about 20 diferent speakers, expensive models of course.
But then i came i room with kensingtons playing , my world was turned upside down. As someone sayd its expensive cognac... with smell in room, and taste no other speaker can match.
Now about proacs, they have nice midrange, BUT bass is worst ever, its boomy, pronounced,dominant, if you listen to house or other electronic music maybe then these speakers fot to you. Kensingtons are for music listening and resting at the same time, but not for dancing, but then i paired them with pass labs xa100 monos, wow, dynamics was phenomenal, i mean IT. You can feel air moving from speakers in 5 meters :))) at the same time they managed play smooth, no sibilance and etc..
But finaly i setled with tube amplifier 300b. All cables are silver.
Ps : all spekers mostly have imaging of 1 pont between speakers. Kensingtons have 5 points. So its like siting in real opera house... my personal opinion proacs are cheap toys compared to kensington.