Boulder monoblock 2150

Looking at the new Stereophile Magazine. Has anyone noticed the "32 Amp IEC Cord" on the back of the amplifier?  

It is sad to see. But, I see the same thing in my field. 

People with so much to spend, but absolutely no idea of what to buy. -And then buy the most expensive/famous because it 'must be better'.
People with some money who think they know more than I do, and end up going with the 'cheaper route', getting burned and then whining that everyone is a cheat.

Post removed 

     I currently have many areas of concern about the world and some of the individuals in it.  How wisely or foolishly the wealthy ones spend there money is, fortunately, not one of them.

     Being against the  the wealthy spending their money foolishly reminds me of being anti-war or anti-iceberg.  Certain things are going to occur whether or not it's any of our business and whether we approve or not.

     Personally, I refuse to spend any mental energy on issues I have no control over, especially those issues that have no affect on my life.

    Semi-deep thoughts from Tim and his 'Duh! Files'.


It is not the spending behavior of the nouveau riche that is deeply troubling so much as the fervent ire created within others due to imaginary machinations.
