Paradigm Personas anyone heard them

No reviews on these yet that I can find. Curious if anyone has heard them and what were your impressions. Also any comparisons to the outgoing signature series?
Again something is not right with the setup the speakers are accurate but hardly bright or non musical. What did the dealer say about the setup? Were they thrilled with it or where they saying we just got these in do you want to check them out and perhaps they were not finished with the setup or the speakers weren't fully broken in?

The other possibility is that this dealer just doesn't know how to setup a good system. I have seen it before in many dealerships. I am not saying that we are necessarily better, but lets face facts just because you can put out an expensive system doesn't mean you have the experience to make a great sounding one. 

I have seen dealers with sound rooms without a lick of acoustical treatments, with sound rooms that had slap echo, no power conditioners, stock power cords, wrong or inexpensive cabling, no vibration control etc.

I will also say that your Krell Resolution speakers are a bit dull in the top end, I am not saying the speakers aren't good, I have heard them and many other speakers with the ring radiator tweeter and although the tweeter is rated to go to 20k and above they don't sound that way they sound way more recessed than the current generation of metal tweeters. 

So one person's musical is another persons dull. 

Anyone who thinks that Paradigm one of North America's biggest and most successful companies can't make a world class speaker is smoking something. 

If the sound isn't to your liking I can understand that, however, if I was getting the same results like you were getting in your demo I wouldn't jump to such hasty conclusions, but question what is going on with the setup, and were the speakers broken in?
Anyone who thinks that Paradigm one of North America's biggest and most successful companies can't make a world class speaker is smoking something.

Lol, what world class speaker has paradigm ever made since they started making speakers, ah.....NONE, now who is smoking something.

Just because a company has lots of money to spend doesn't mean their designers will know how to make a good speaker.
Yes and I am sure the same thing can be said about B&W
and KEF.

B&W didn't start with the 801 nor did KEF start with their Reference lines. Both of these companies started with affordable models first.

Look at PSB the T3 which has been universally heralded as a fantastic speaker got the same smirks when they went up market with the T3. 

Paradigm has always played it safe and even their last line of high end speakers the Signature line was compared very favorably to speakers from Wilson and B&W whose models cost considerably more.

And yes if you have a lot of money you can hire the best minds and use the best technologies, and Paradigm has very talented staff.

Your logic is fallacious, the larger the company the more resources they can throw at a project, Do you think if Bose wanted to build literally the world's best speakers that they couldn't?

The problem in the industry is that their is inherent snobbery and way too much brand passion that borders on insanity. 

There are Wilson guys, Vandersteen guys. Magico guys.etc.

We have tried a lot of very expensive speakers and the Paradigm's are really, really good, and are very competitive with anything out there. 

Are we brand loyal not really, as we have moved in and out of a number of speakers before we settled on the Persona's as one of our top picks, we are adventurous and willing to move to new brands and products that we feel offer our customers the best performance possible. 

So with that said Oaky have you even heard the new Personas?

We heard the paradigm 9h at your show in Ny, even with the bad acoustical room conditions, let me appreciate the wonderful caracteristics of the paradigms, and it is truly right their coherence compete easily with esl loudspeakers, speed too, we did later listen 2 types of wilson loudspeakers with nordost cables ( by the way, worst choices) and jm labs utopias and preferred the paradigms over thoses. 
Dear Patsuh,

Thank you for the kind words. Both Dave and Myself love the Persona line, if you set them up carefully and use great electronics, the speakers perform magnificently!

I have a feeling that some of the doubters have heard the speakers with the wrong electronics or the speakers were not broken in.

I was amazed at the quality of sound we were getting out of that way too small room at the show.

In terms of your comments vs the Wilson, and Utopia product, again I feel the same. It is not that the Persona's are so much better, it is that they offer some of the best qualities of those speakers yet cost considerably less. 

The Personas have a level of transparency that is just so remarkable and the imaging is just spooky one of the best imaging speakers i have ever heard 

If you are in our neck of the woods you should come in for a visit.