Anyone still using a Teres table?

I'd be interested in hearing how you've maximized performance. I still love mine, but I haven't really tweaked anything since receiving it (as it shipped w/ a Verus motor).
As @swampwalker mentioned, Doug Deacon is the king of all things Teres belts, but you can always fall back on VHS leader and splicing tape. A VHS splicing block will ensure perfect alignment. In the meantime, cotton thread or dental floss will make a good test belt (tied with a simple square knot - make sure the string is aligned so the knot doesn't make a "thump" when passing the pulley) .

Although I'm pleased with my Verus motor, I really miss the ability to start the Signature belt motor with a simple push of the platter (and also stopping the motor by stopping the platter). 
I have a Teres from the beginning diy era. It has a thick acrylic platter with the great clamp and I run a well tempered 12" arm. 
When mine is running the motor speed fluctuates very easily, it almost feels like if I breath on the platter it will drop. 
Upon research I ran across some mentions that there was a simple mod to the motor/controller to rectify this but I couldn't find any more detail. Can anyone enlighten me further?
i love the table and feel it has a ton of potential if I could get this sorted. 
In my post on this forum dated 1/1/17 (first post) my last paragraph that starts with BTW, I make mention of two Audiogon members that own Teres turntables and are extreamly knowledgable. If you have not done so yet, message them through Audiogon. My guess is they can either help you or make some suggestions.