Pass Labs Aleph Amps & B&W Nautilus Speakers

Is anyone out there using Pass Labs Aleph Amps (Aleph 2's, Aleph 4's, or Aleph 1.2's) with B&W Nautilus Speakers (N802's or N803's)? What are your impressions (positive or negative) of this combo? Anyone using Pass Labs X Series (X250 or higher) with said speakers?
I found my Aleph 2 monos to drive the N803 beautifully, but did NOT like the B&W in the nearfield. Be sure to audition these speakers IN YOUR ROOM, with a listening position at least 12 feet back. I had read this in a British review three years ago, and had forgotten about it until I demod a pair, and found they needed LOTS of room to cohere. Issue is the high woofer/mid cross of 400Hz, I suspect. Sounds like individual drivers in my 8' triangle. Sorry if this isn't exactly on topic....
14 years ago, i posted about the great combo of the pass  aleph 1.2 and silverline lafolia big floor standing speaker.   this combo is so good that i have kept the pairing in tact for 14 years

my house is up for sale and i will be down sizing in the near future. 
anyone interested in a great deal??? have some top end wires that will create a great ss system with a heart of tube-like bloom.

bob rampil
miami, fl  33146
i will be posting for sale soon
my posting here was on 2/6/2003