100 - 125.00 RCA, and coax recommendations please

I will apologize in advance as I’m sure there are many threads similar to this one, but being an owner in the restaurant biz means I have almost no time for myself, so I started a new one in hopes of getting some good/quick input.

Building a new 2-channel system, and of course, I’m just getting all caught up in the wire game. Just spent a good chunk of money on Furutech power wires/filter/distribution for all my gear (bought new, and used), and now I’m in need of 3 pairs of RCAs. .I guess you could say, I’d like to stay on the cheaper end of the budget for ICs, so I’m hoping to get into some good stuff in the 100-125.00 price range (per pair). Needing 1 pair @ 1 Meter and two pairs @ 2 Meters. Also in need of a good coax to go to DAC (I2S will be used later in conjunction with dedicated PC/Singxer)

System consists of a pair of Accuphase P-266 amps, W4S DAC-1 or another DAC I’m currently breaking in, modding and trying out right now, building a dedicated music PC that will be running Roon/HQ player, CEC 3300R as a transport, Tortuga Passive Pre, and Von Schweikert VR-4s (stage1 upgrades)...I do also own a pair of Emotiva XPA-2s that I am considering bridging to the lower half of of the VR-4s and bridging the 266’s to the top half....I know it’s a lot of power, but you can never have too much...right? Speaker wire is Furutech μ-2T on the low frequency section of the VR-4s and I am still undecided on the top half ( μ-2T or possibly the S-14 unless you guys can recommend something better in the lower price ranges)

Was thinking Blue Jeans for the coax, but any, and all input is greatly appreciated.
It’s been a while since I’ve shopped for ICs, and I’m just looking for some ideas at this point, so please help guys.

Many thanks

Mesch, thanks for the tip! Much appreciated. I've got an old pair of Jaguars being used in my HT set-up, and they have been good to me. Will look and see if that's still going on. 

Gdnrbob, I will definitely look at Zu too, and amps directly off the wall was part of the agaenda as well. Sincerely appreciate you chiming in sir. Thank you kindly. 

Todd, thank you so much for the info. Sounds like you are living the life I wish I had...more time for DIY, and the ability to pay my bills without the looooong work weeks would be a dream come true. I'm quite envious. I would much rather build my own cables to length than buy off the shelf, so I'm leaning heavily towards doing so. 

Thanks to everyone for the thoughts/input thus far.

yping...after your input yesterday, I’m very seriously considering them. Prices are on the higher side for what I want to spend, but, free shipping as well as a good exchange rate right now definitely help the situation haha. Thank you so much sir.

+2 for mgreen27

Anything other than vertical bi-amp is a train wreck. This has been discussed in numerous posts and I recall one that a well known and respected amplifier designer commented that the horizontal configuration would never come close to working without an active crossover and then it still may not work well.

"I hear you on bridging and understand distortion levels go up, phase issues, etc. Still willing to try nonetheless...won’t kill me to do so...I have options."

Keep in mind that a bridged amp sees the speaker's impedance as half of the actual value. With the VR4's being 6 ohm, that's a 3 ohm load. No, it won't kill you, but may kill an amp. Always best to only use 8 ohm speakers with a bridged amp.

Have you thought about an upgrade for the main power cord? The one from the breaker box to the outlet for the system. This system would benefit from a dedicated line, two even better, one analog and one digital for better isolation with upgraded outlets.

Thanks for the input tls49.
I know it has been discussed heavily in the past, and my apologies, I meant horizontal, not vertical. Just going by what’s been mentioned by whom I spoke with at VS, and other VR4 owners in terms of what they’ve had success doing. I’ll try and add a link to one of these discussions.
I was under the impression that the VR-4s are rated at 6 ohms paralleled across both sets of terminals, and were half that at each set. Am I wrong here?
Yes, my dedicated pair of outlets are the orange Leviton number 5362 professional grade outlets with a run of Southwire 10/3 Solid UF-B W/G Wire run straight to the panel. Nothing fancy, but a decent upgrade.

Heres one of the discussions:


And, I stand corrected...4ohms on the bottom, and 8 on top from what I'm seeing. I assumed a lighter load than that at each set of terminals. Thats what I get for assuming. Thanks for pointing that out tls49

Well this thread went in a much different direction than expected, hahaha