Decided to change my cd player, suggestions please?

Ok so I guess this is as much a change just for the sake of change, lol, as tbh I am pretty happy with my setup but it has been the same equipment for the last 3 years so just what the heck, lets fiddle.....

So present equipment is:
Krell KAV250A
Acoustic Research LS2
Krell s-350
Usher cp-6381

Now i listen nearly exclusively to rock, mostly modern rock like Avenged sevenfold, stained, shinedown, saving abel, halestorm etc etc. Some more classic rock if I am feeling mellow.
I do not believe anything much else will ever grace my systems

I fully realize I may take a step backward or two but if there are far more expensive players out there there may be one that suits my ears better.

Budget is up to $4k used or new

Any good suggestions please.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xuberwaltz
I understand uberwaltz, I had a $12k spinner that I swore I would take to my grave.  My reluctant move to streaming happened by chance following a speaker audition.  I brought my favorite discs along to use for my demo when I was confronted by the total omission of a CD player at the dealer!  They used the Blue Sound Vault 2 feeding my integrated amp via a Node 2 using a $50 Toslink cable.  It sounded remarkably organic and musical, so I had them rip one of my discs on the spot for playback.  The result was stunning!  Combine that with the ability to archive my music and explore my library from an iPad sold me.
For a total of about $3700 you can purchase a Marantz SA8005.  You send it to Dan Wright at Modwright for the SIgnature Truth modifications and you will be listening to a true reference player for many thousands less than a comparable stock player.  Done deal!


you may want to consider using all Cardas or all Straightwire cabling, for openers.