Integrated amp upgrade

I'm using a Classé Audio CAP-151 to drive my Thiel CS 3.7s at the moment.
I'm not sure if i should upgrade, anyway if i do so i'm looking for a used integrated amp in the $2K to $3K price range with balanced inputs.
I've seen a Sugden IA4 for $3K and a Musical Fidelity KW 550 for $2,4K but it's not balanced.
If i upgrade it would have to be really worth it otherwise i'd rather keep my CAP-151.
I have someone who would like to buy my CAP-151 for $1,6K.

Thanks guys, the thing is that i have to determine if i do a little amp upgrade now or wait until i get the budget to build my ambitious high end system with my Thiels.
End of february i should get a home autidion of a full Ypsilon  system.

There's a listing hear on AG for a pair of Pass 0 mono amps. lis7gccg

I used to have a pair myself. They have tons of power and sound incredible. They had no problem driving my B&W 800's and ProAc Response 3's. It would be hard to find a better amp for the money.

Hegel H200 would be a good upgrade for you, and there is one for sale on US Audio Mart for $2,200.  I've compared H200 to a number of integrated amps, and I find it to be one of the best under $5k.
I think that you might be very surprised and happy listening to a Marantz PM-11S3... The Reference Marantz Integrated is very detailed, incredibly fast, yet is NOT cold! It has serious power that easily surpasses its rating and can power most any speaker with ease (it just bullies my 4 ohm Monitor Audios). It has a very sweet, layered approach that offers a huge soundstage with excellent separation.
I have A/B’d the Marantz PM11S3 and the Hagel H300 for many hours and between the two, to me, there is no contest! The Reference Marantz was and is the clear winner!
The Marantz Pm-11S3 Integrateds are balanced units and come up for sale here time to time right at that $3000 point and in my opinion is not only a great deal but a steal and would be something that you would really want to consider....

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