I would say about 90% good experience with either UPS or Fedex Ground overall, but the % drops significantly as the weight of the item or its fragility go up. Most important point is to remember that both shippers use highly automated, high speed, multi-level conveyor belt systems to sort packages and direct them to the right truck. The items should be packed with the idea that it could be dropped 6 feet onto concrete!!! Which does happen. I received an EMC-1UP with the 1/4" steel shipping bolt securing the CD sled bent at a 45 degree angle one way and then 45 degrees back the other way. In that case, it was shipped from manufacturer in new packing and UPS paid. In other cases they have not. Worst claim experience was with Bax Global who hired a subcontractor who destroyed a SOTA table bolted to the factory shipping board and then bailed on the claim because they said they received it 1 day too late (31 days instead of 30). Of course, they were 4 days late delivering the table but that didn't count.