Looking at a new non-SACD player, but still own lots of SACDs

I am looking at upgrading my current CD player, my budget is $3K ish, certainly below $5K.  The two units I am looking at in the $3K range,  Moon Simaudio 260 and Rega Saturn R, do not play SACDs. Rather than give up my SACD collection, I wonder if anyone has any experience with a work around. 

The one thought that occurs to me is to find a modest priced SACD player (used) with a digital/optical out as a transport only and run it into the DAC of the new unit.  Will this work or is the SACD circuity in the DAC and not the transport/laser?

Are any other options?

Or should I be looking at a different new CD player that plays SACDs? 
local dealer was talking about an ayre c5xe that he got on trade. should be able to listen to it in the next week.  same dealer carries arcam, so should be able to listen to the jfm23 at the same time. no one stocks esoteric in my area, so not sure how i will get a chance to listen to sny of their products
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Grab a Marantz SA8005 and sent it to Modwright instruments for their "truth" tube modifications. You won't be sorry.

The Marantz SA8005 looks pretty nice, but does not have balanced/XLR output. If you want or need that, ModWright also mods the Sony XA-5400ES, which does. The Sony is out-of-production, but available second-hand for around a grand. ModWright charges $1995, so for your $3000 you'll have a real nice CD/SACD player.