Technics SL1200: standard overhang gauge or MintLP

Hello Guys,

Some days ago I started a thread asking the difference from the cartridge setup on a Technics SL1200 with the stock white gauge and the Baerwald points by other Tractors
Well , as I told to Tvad I bought the MintLP Best Tractor and I tried the new overhang position.
Pratically is about 2.5/3.00 mm forward respect the standard white plastic gauge point so theorically the arm is longer with MintLP setup
I'm listening this new setup and I have to say Tvad was right when he said the sonic result is much better with the MintLP setup
Not only there is much less distortion like Tvad wrote .. but there is a large improvment in soundstage more wide depth and heigh more focus
As quality of sound I'm noticeing better bass quantity just tuneful and splendid heights super fine
I strongly suggest Technics SL12xx owners to buy that MintLP Best Tractor and to reset the cartidge position if done with the standard white gauge

Thanks Tvad for your suggestion

Best wishes to EveryOne

If you need to square up a cart in a headshell why would you not use the precision of digital calipers to measure distance of each side of a cart to the headshell edge? I am an engineer, I like to confirm with actual measurements rather than eyeing something!
If you use calipers to "square up a cart in a headshell" then you are aligning the cartridge. If you use a proper mirrored alignment gauge, you align the actual cantilever. Given that many phono cartridges have cantilevers that are misaligned - however slightly - the mirrored gauge produces a better result. And yes, you can confirm that superiority using measurements.
It seems that @rotarius is focused only on the overhang aspect of cartridge setup, and not on adjustment of the offset angle. 
If one only was mounting perfect carts with perfectly straight cantilevers this wouldn't be a problem, but in this world it's an issue to be worked through by using a two point protractor with a mirrored surface and grid lines.
Note that the Technics gadget is called a "Technics Overhang Gauge". 
You are much more likely to adjust the cartridge correctly with a MINT even if the exact same measurements are on any other gauge.  It eliminates site errors.
Spencer, the offset angle is precisely set  if the cantilever is straight and cart is square.  Why even buy a cart with a crooked cantilever?  You can easily measure how parallel the cantilever is to the cart axis. How accurate can you get eyeballing with grid lines?  0.1, 0.5, 1 degree accuracy? I cannot quantify that but I do know what 0.5 degree offset error does to tracking error and distortion values.

...always liked the Technics alignment (similar to Stevenson) for classical.  

Their own plastic alignment tool (if you mean this one) is not Stevenson, with real Stevenson the cartridge must be twister a bit more, that's what i have double checked with my Dr.Feickert alignment. Stevenson is great not only for classical LPs, but for any record of the smaller size as well (7 inch vinyl singles).