Cable elevators

Hi fellow AG'rs. I seeking advice regarding recommendations for flat/ribbon cable supports. i.e (for Nordost flat speaker cables). Any recommendations? Thanks for your responses in advance.
Like nonoise I got great results from simply looping my Valhalla cable over a hook screwed into the wall behind my speakers. Obviously you can pay big $$ for the elevators nordost make ( ) but I would try a wall mount first, I found the sound opened up and became a little less confused

If no walls are handy you could try these ones

i found more impact from cable elevators (Shunyata) under my interconnects then under my current speaker cables (SR Galileo) but then again I do run a very long balanced cable. The design of the Shunyata DFSS is not well suited to Nordost cables

"Empty toilet paper roll cardboard tube on end!"

What brand of toilet paper sounds the best?

"Hi fellow AG'rs. I seeking advice regarding recommendations for flat/ribbon cable supports. i.e (for Nordost flat speaker cables). Any recommendations?"

I've seen people use tape and zip ties to route these type of cables. They do it at shows. You may want to try it like this first to see if you can even hear a difference before spending any money.