Technics SL1200: standard overhang gauge or MintLP

Hello Guys,

Some days ago I started a thread asking the difference from the cartridge setup on a Technics SL1200 with the stock white gauge and the Baerwald points by other Tractors
Well , as I told to Tvad I bought the MintLP Best Tractor and I tried the new overhang position.
Pratically is about 2.5/3.00 mm forward respect the standard white plastic gauge point so theorically the arm is longer with MintLP setup
I'm listening this new setup and I have to say Tvad was right when he said the sonic result is much better with the MintLP setup
Not only there is much less distortion like Tvad wrote .. but there is a large improvment in soundstage more wide depth and heigh more focus
As quality of sound I'm noticeing better bass quantity just tuneful and splendid heights super fine
I strongly suggest Technics SL12xx owners to buy that MintLP Best Tractor and to reset the cartidge position if done with the standard white gauge

Thanks Tvad for your suggestion

Best wishes to EveryOne

@erikt It's confusing, but you are not confused! You answered your own question. With my SP10mk2/EPA250 arm, which share 235mm pivot-to-spindle with the 1200, the OEM headshell doesn't have long enough slots with some carts when you try to align with other geometries(e.g. LofgrenB or Baerwald aka LofgrenA). 

@rotarius "why buy cartridges with unstraight cantilevers?" Well, because sometimes they can't be avoided. Also, accidents happen and I've run into plenty of folks who have carts that play fine but aren't perfectly straight, and they still need to be setup optimally. Manufacturers have varying tolerances on straightness of cantilvers, not that I condone it.
So if you use the Technics gauge for overhang then what are you suggesting users do to set proper offset angle? Also, FYI, I've compared results of the Technics tool alone to Stevenson on a Feickert protractor and they aren't the same offset.  Cheers,
It's not Stevenson but it's close if you set the Stevenson inner groove radius at 57.5 mm which is then the inner null point. The Technics alignment inner null point is 58.8 mm if I recall correctly. I have set up carts both ways and the difference is not audible to me.  I have no issues with IGD, sibilance or tracking.  I like it for orchestral pieces and for minimizing offset angle error. 
Well, all I can say is there a body of postings on different forums that claim the 1200 is Stevenson.

And here it isn't.

Hence my confusion - and humble curiosity to something definitive from the actual 1200 specifications.

Do you mean Technics SL1200 or SL1200 MK2?

 I'm talking about SL1200 mk2, the earlier 1200 comes with different tonearm, i have never tried.

So the 52mm cartridge overhang alingment tool that comes with 1200 mk2 tonearm is not Stevenson geometry for sure!

 I know this because i use Stevenson on this tonearm with stock technics headshell (gold version) with my grado cartridges.

My tool is Dr. Feickert alignment which is presicion device to set up the carts to Stevenson, Baerwald or Lofgren. When my cartridge set to Stevenson the overhang is not 52mm, but a bit more than 53mm. It's easy to check by inserting the cart/shell back to Technics plastic tool to make sure the diamond is not on the 52mm mark (where it should be according to technics tool), but 1.2mm forward and a little bit twisted toward the center on the platter.