The Best Cities & States to Find High End Gear

Not everyone comes to Audiogon (unfortunately) to list their used gear, many are content to sell it on Craigs List at the expense of getting the best and highest value for it. Just curious, what are the best cities and states to find high end audiophile gear?  I'm in Philadelphia so I usually just search the East Coast and recently saw that Maine had some interesting gear for sale there.
Craigslist???!!! Really???!!!

1) US Audiomart
2) Canuck Audiomart
3) Audio Asylum Trader
4) Ebay

HiFi Shark will lead you to an item on ANY site.

I sell more on 1 & 3 than I do on AudiogoN!! 
I've never used Craigslist (too many loons).
+1 jmcgrogan. Craigslist is a crapshoot that might just put you in touch with someone suffering from Methadone withdrawl.
Hifi Shark list almost all listings.(It can miss a few).