Original Vandersteen Model 3

I have a chance to acquire an old Vandy 3 pair for $400-500.  I haven't had a chance to listen to them yet.  I have a set of Maggie 1.7 with nice electronics, just looking to add a little spice to my life with a box speaker.  Looking for opinions on these speakers as compared to applying the same $400-500 to something else in the used market - floor stander or monitor.   Would it be worth my time to follow up on these?  Thanks
I think Vandersteen offers upgrades for the 3's, but it isn't cheap.
For the price, I don't think you will be disappointed, but if you think you will be looking for 'the best', I would suggest either waiting for the 3a sigs or better yet, a pair of Treo's or Quatro's.
True, they are more expensive, but I though I was never going to have 'upgraditis', and ended up selling my 3a sigs and getting Treo's. I should have listened to Mr V. and just gotten a pair of Quatro's and been done with it.
Incorporating a sub (or a pair) is one of the best upgrades for the 1,2, or 3's.

"I also did not like vandy's because they're slow."

Mine aren't slow. If you screw up enough on the setup, you can make them sound slow. You can also make them sound fast.

"The best Vandy combo you can get is by purchasing 2x 2WQ subs with 1C smallest floor speakers. 2WQ bass is substantially faster than in any integrated speaker they've ever built."

In all seriousness, aside from the speed issue, that is a great setup. I differ a bit. I have the Model 1, 2  & 3's and think the 2's are a better value. It can do more.

Going back to the speed issue, I'm just guessing, but I think the reason you thought the 1's are faster is because they're very easy to drive. Also, speed isn't a quality that's only determined by the speakers. Every component in the system effects speed.

Model 3A to 3A Signature

  • Improved midrange
  • Improved crossover components
  • New 1" Alloy Tweeter
  • Critically matched components and drivers
  • $2,490 per pair

Model 3 to 3A Signature

  • Improved midrange
  • Improved crossover components
  • New 1" Alloy Tweeter
  • Critically matched components and drivers
  • $2,900 per pair
The upgrades are about half of what a new pair cost. If the speakers are in really good shape, the upgrade is probably worth it.

Since you can buy a pair of 3a sigs for about $2k, I think that would be the least expensive route. Though Richard constantly upgrades the upgrade, it may be worthwhile.
I would contact him directly for the most accurate info. And, yes, he does reply to questions left on the telephone directly.
Not the 3 but I have the 2CE Sig II I'm very happy with them if it's position and adjusted right you will appreciate the bass, the sound stage and the transparency. I know the 3s has the larger cab so it should give even better low end. I'm driving mine with the McIntosh monoblocks MC601 (600 watts per amp) and the vandys doesn't have problems handling it.  Just a great speakers.