Original Vandersteen Model 3

I have a chance to acquire an old Vandy 3 pair for $400-500.  I haven't had a chance to listen to them yet.  I have a set of Maggie 1.7 with nice electronics, just looking to add a little spice to my life with a box speaker.  Looking for opinions on these speakers as compared to applying the same $400-500 to something else in the used market - floor stander or monitor.   Would it be worth my time to follow up on these?  Thanks
Since you can buy a pair of 3a sigs for about $2k, I think that would be the least expensive route. Though Richard constantly upgrades the upgrade, it may be worthwhile.
I would contact him directly for the most accurate info. And, yes, he does reply to questions left on the telephone directly.
Not the 3 but I have the 2CE Sig II I'm very happy with them if it's position and adjusted right you will appreciate the bass, the sound stage and the transparency. I know the 3s has the larger cab so it should give even better low end. I'm driving mine with the McIntosh monoblocks MC601 (600 watts per amp) and the vandys doesn't have problems handling it.  Just a great speakers.
Hi Bob,

I'm still here and appreciate all the thoughtful responses.  Vandy speakers seem to be well thought of, but I'm thinking that with the age and relatively unsophisticated sound the old original Model 3 might not be the best way to go.  However, it would still probably be hard to beat for the price, can't get much for $4-500 these days.  I'm quite satisfied with the Maggie sound with a set of Rel T-5s, just looking for something a little different.  Thanks.
Abner, I think for the money, you will be impressed even though they are prior generations. I always loved Maggies as well as Vandy's- they seem to share similar characteristics. 
Even if you don't like them, you can always sell them again and probably for the same price.
Though I warn you Vandersteen's are addictive and you may well be on the road for a pair of Quatro's.