Any News on MQA Lately?

Earlier in the year there was lots of "buzz" about MQA, especially when it was reported that Tidal would be streaming the format.

Since then it seems like Tidal might be shopping itself for a possible sale, maybe to Apple?

I'm not seeing much MQA "buzz" on the web lately.
From Absolute sound report on Rocky Mountain audio fest and I quote
Most significant :MQA is no longer at the cheerleader stage it’s really happening Warner is on board with two other majors as well and many independent labels have signed on as well. Processors to the affordable nad to the astronomical msb are on board. Best of all A/B comparison were running all day long troughout the show. Demonstrating to most as well as me don’t know who me is some say RH. THAT ITS IMPROVEMENT TO BOTH HD AND STANDARD RESOLUTION IS SUBSTANTIAL. Why are you guys so butt hurt over this. So your telling me all these people are in on a scam and it's just away to resell music  You say you have to buy all your music over again. Not true so none of you guys stream tidal 20 bucks a month. I bet some of your wire cost thousands. And a MQA dac 200 bucks. From what I’m hearing it is impressive. Why all the Debbie downers hear. If you can’t hear the dif sucks for you. I do so why bash the people that just want better sound. It’s almost like you work for dac companies that have not come on board yet. I just don’t get the better the better than thou attitude.

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I also read from a different article that other services beside Tidal will soon be streaming MQA.
I think this year will be make or break for MQA. I still feel MQA needs non USB Dacs in the $300- $800 range. You either have a $299 USB or $1900 price range. 
I've been communicating with Robert Harley from The Absolute Sound.  The "MQA's unexpected twist" means that the MQA company has loosened up the requirement that the "unfolding" be done in the DAC hardware.  So, if you uncheck the "MQA passthru" option on Tidal, the desktop app will "unfold" the MQA files and present an up to 94/24 file to your conventional DAC.

But apparently that will not provide you with all the benefits of MQA, specifically the reduction in digital "blur", which seems to only be able to be done in the (MQA certified) DAC.

In my case, when I've compared albums on Tidal which are offered in MQA and "regular" FLAC versions, playing thru my PS Audio DirectStream DAC, the MQA versions which are "unfolded" by Tidal sound a bit "dull" compared to the "regular" FLAC versions.  I've tried that with about a half dozen albums, same result.  I wonder if there's something with the FPGA design that causes that?

So, with the news that Universal has joined Warner and Tidal, I'm wondering if that's the news the DAC manufacturers were waiting for, to incorporate MQA into their future hardware designs....or, could it be that DAC chipset companies like ESS will put that feature into their future offerings?