Decided to change my cd player, suggestions please?

Ok so I guess this is as much a change just for the sake of change, lol, as tbh I am pretty happy with my setup but it has been the same equipment for the last 3 years so just what the heck, lets fiddle.....

So present equipment is:
Krell KAV250A
Acoustic Research LS2
Krell s-350
Usher cp-6381

Now i listen nearly exclusively to rock, mostly modern rock like Avenged sevenfold, stained, shinedown, saving abel, halestorm etc etc. Some more classic rock if I am feeling mellow.
I do not believe anything much else will ever grace my systems

I fully realize I may take a step backward or two but if there are far more expensive players out there there may be one that suits my ears better.

Budget is up to $4k used or new

Any good suggestions please.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xuberwaltz
Good to read -uberwaltz

Usher speakers are not that impressive to my ears.  Those B&W will easily sound and present better in any system.  Get the cabling "right" and you will be musically rewarded.
It's amazing how subjective things are, B&W are by far the worst speakers I ever heard too bright,analytical and polite.maybe with the correct system they can sound better.

would agree totally based on an earlier pair of 803d I once owned, but different system, different room and what a difference.
There just is no substitute for actually in room demos, you can read all the reviews you want, listen to all the advice you can handle and sometimes it just means