Ayon CD transport problems

I have an AYON CD-2S, purchased new 3 years ago. About 6 months out of the 1 year warranty, the transport started to exhibit occasional reading problems.

A CD would be inserted, play for a short or longer while and then play would stop with the display reading LOAD!
This persisted on and off on a rather random basis until yesterday when it happened repeatedly. I turned off the player, let it sit for about 5 minutes and then proceeded to play 3 discs at which point the player would read the disc, start playing, stop, display read load, would read the disc, then the display would read LOAD.......etc. Same issues today.

Contacted AYON USA to find they wanted close to $1000 plus approx. $300 shipping to replace the Phillips transport! When I commented that I had every CD player I had ever bought in the last 30 years and that they all still worked and that I had never had a transport fail............I was told it was bad luck!

Having spent what I consider to be a huge amount of money to purchase the player originally, I feel as if I would be spending good money after bad to get who knows how much or little time out of my player with another transport.

Has anyone else had this type of failure from an AYON or any top loading CD player with a Phillips transport?


My problem with my Ayon transport which is fairly new is on certain cds the cd starts playing  a fraction of a second after the first note has started.

I talked with USA Tube Audio and Ayon in Austria and they both said they had never heard of such a thing.

Has anybody ever had this problem or am I the only person in the history of cd players to have such a thing happen?

This has never happened with any other cd player I've had and they play perfectly in my car.

Now hearing about the short life of the transport I feel as if I've made an expensive mistake.

God knows I don't want to send this thing back to Austria.

I'm having it fixed at Ayon, they're changing the "servo board" 95€, the "switch open/close" 18€, "CD mechanism (?) 67€, labor cost 2.5 hours 190€, + shipment cost equals to a total of 600€!!!

I've screamed a bit and they told me they gave a price reduction...

Only 6 months warranty .

I guess it could have been worse but it's outrageous I think...

Will probably try to sell if I can as I've got no trust anymore after everything you can read above...

So the question is why do people still buy Ayon? Sorry Sal but posting your issue with your player will now make it that much harder to sell. I'm sure you would have disclosed your issue but resale value just took a nose dive IMO