Tube vs Solid State


For past few months, I have been trying to achieve best possible sound in my rig. The focus now is clearly on a improving 2 channel sound in what started as a home theater room.  

In past couple of years, I have added N10, Modwright DAC and very recently a LS36.5 linestage . The amps are Modwright KWA150SE. I am running pair of KWA150SE's in bridge mode (450Wx1) for the mighty B&W 800D2's.  While I like the sound as is, still feel something is missing. 

I have been toying with the idea of bi-amping.  One thought is to add mono tube amps to run mid's and high's and let the KWA150SE's handle the LF's. I am pursuing that seductive, slightly warm mid-range and top end that usually comes from tube amplification.  

I don't think there is any tube amp out there by itself capable of powering up bass hungry 800's. I prefer not to use a subwoofer in 2 channel setup. I listen to mostly jazz and classical music and quite sure that 800's are capable of producing adequate bass with proper amplification. 

Any feedback would be appreciated. 

"My suggestion is that you consider trying your existing amps in a passive vertical biamp configuration...."

Al, thank you for your feedback. I have already tried this, while I gain bit of better separation in mid’s and high’s, the bottom falls out a bit. The low bass frequencies are not a weighty as they are when I run the amp in bridge mode.

Secondly, the LS36.5 is configured with dual balanced outputs in parallel to accommodate bi-amping or a sub with balanced inputs.
If both of the "dual balanced outputs in parallel" are driven from the same output stage within the line stage, as seems very likely, the lack of bass weight in the vertical biamp configuration could very possibly be due to the impedance compatibility concern that I cited earlier. You may want to discuss that with Dan.

If he confirms that both of the output connectors provided for each channel are driven by the same output stage, and if he indicates that the output impedance of the line stage rises significantly at deep bass frequencies (as is very common with tube line stages and preamps), you may want to consider inserting some sort of a buffer stage between the line stage and the amps, that would provide high input impedance and low output impedance, and re-trying the vertical biamp configuration.

-- Al

Have you heard the speakers in another system that did what you seek? What were they using to drive them? 

Have you tried any hybrid amps that will offer the control of SS output stages and maybe a bit more warmth on the top & mids?

I'd be cautious of the biamp route due to complexity described already by others. Either amps or speakers will probably need to change. Sounds like you've tried more tweaks than most would. Cheers,
Thanks Al, i will speak to Dan soon and chime back in soon. 

Spencer, great feedback.  I have heard 800's with McIntosh and Classe and to my ears, McIntosh matched very nicely with 800's. I would love to try Aesthetix Atlas mono's but they are bit out of my budget. 

I am not parting with 800's anytime soon :-)
So I will continue to explore Amp/Preamp options. 
lalitk- I was not trying to dissuade you from the active bi-amp configuration; I am using it to great effect (at least to my aging ears) in my system.  I have the NHT X-1 crossover and it seems to be up to the task.  It's quite a bit less $ (cheapskate that I am) than the Marchand or Pass so it might be a way to see if it starts you down the right road.  

bridge/mono mode
In every case I ever seen/heard/measured bridging a stereo amp yes gives more wattage, but your damping factor is halved and the bass is never as controlled.

Cheers George