Pre-amp to receiver?

If I play a CD , and connect  a  Denon  CD player OUT to Dynaco PAT 5 preamp IN , and then the preamp OUT  to a CD IN of an Optimus STAV 3000 receiver( which has no connector in back to separate the receiver's preamp and amp) I  seem to be able to use both the Dynaco tone controls and also the Optimus tone controls to effect sound through speakers.

The questions are two...1) since the Optimus has its own quality of preamp, which of course does not rise to level of Dynaco PAS 5,  will this mean that no matter what quality signal the Dynaco is inputting into the Optimus receiver CD input, that signal will  degraded to however  the Optimus receiver preamp would handle a direct CD IN signal without the Dynaco, or will it be improved  isomewhat due to an added emphacis on some frequencies or the ability to discern those frequencies or whatever by the Dynaco?

2) if the above is audio anathema,  as i suspect, is there a correct way to bypass the receiver's preamp (with a receiver that does not have the two small metal connectors in the back to disengage its  preamp from amp) and insert the Dynaco 5 as the tone controls?

I googled this question but the net seemed to provide confusing or inadequate response.

Thanks to anyone who takes the time to read and/or respond..

Hi ebm,

what are you referring to as downgrade...the dynaco pre-amp or something else?

anyway, its bizarre that the dynaco functions not only as a pre-amp but also a speaker switch ( if you connect the speaker wires from the receiver into the dynaco and then consequently to the speakers) .
I thought any additional item in between the receiver ( or amp) such as , say a Niles speaker switch , or the dynaco preamp, degrades the signal...i assume dynaco offered this feature on the preamp for amps that could only be connected to one pair.

i know the mac 26 preamp offered varieties of speaker pairing such as right and left into right, etc, so it might be worth connecting the speakers to the mac 26 rather than just the amp...

finally, i know i might end up sacrificing my receiver when it finally gets unnerved by the dynaco preamp sending signals to its own receiver preamp...i am willing to lose the $10 cost Optimus for the sake of this experiment...but can anyone comment on what i now perceive as a much better soundstage and imaging as a result of this heretical hook up? Can a good pre-amp improve the capability of a receiver pre-amp if it does not blow or fry it.?

Again, thanks to all
Since you like the Dynaco so much,why not do it the correct way and get a power amp to use with it?  

....understood, but  to belabor the issue, still curious from a tecnician as whether it is electronically sometimes acceptable and producing good results to connect a preamp to a receiver's preamp since so far my receiver has not fried and the music from the speakers has improved noticeably...

....but will connect it eventually to an amp

although it wouldn't bypass the volume and tone control on the receiver, connect the PAT5 to one of the Tape Monitor loop on the receiver, so you can switch the PAT5 in or out by just pushing a button, as long as you don't turn the PAT5 volume too high it should be fine.
If you can diy, modify one of the tape monitor in/out to pre-out/ power-in is the best way to go.