Old Amp vs. New Amp

Hi All!

I'm in search of a new amplifier and I am looking at new amps as well as older used amps.  There is some really great older gear out there for very reasonable prices, and of course the new stuff is considerably more expensive.

Is newer stuff really any better than some of the great older gear from the 90's and early 00's?

I used to own a pair of Kenwood L-07's that I'd steal back in a heartbeat.  Beauty and Power in a substantial package, and still highly regarded from what I gather.  But, wishes 'n fishes....;)
L-o7's were a great sounding amp, very wide bandwidth, fast and dynamic. Had today's sound yesterday. But weren't very stable, could oscillate at the drop of a hat with capacitive loading like ESL speakers give.

Cheers George   

I know nothing about Class D amps, but I know new high end amps are too expensive, and people like CJ cost too much to repair now. (I know because I own CJ). If you're not on a loose budget, you're between a rock and a hard spot when it comes to the "high end".
I too think a lot of the older gear was great stuff!  Much of which probably can't be (or isn't) duplicated today in pure listening pleasure.

I think that's is the HUGE challenge most of us face...  How to build a great system on limited funds.  I feel like A LOT of the new stuff is WAY overpriced.  Some of it may be great, but I think a lot of it is overpriced, over hyped and probably not any better than some of the good stuff made 10, 20, 40 years ago.