Tube vs Solid State


For past few months, I have been trying to achieve best possible sound in my rig. The focus now is clearly on a improving 2 channel sound in what started as a home theater room.  

In past couple of years, I have added N10, Modwright DAC and very recently a LS36.5 linestage . The amps are Modwright KWA150SE. I am running pair of KWA150SE's in bridge mode (450Wx1) for the mighty B&W 800D2's.  While I like the sound as is, still feel something is missing. 

I have been toying with the idea of bi-amping.  One thought is to add mono tube amps to run mid's and high's and let the KWA150SE's handle the LF's. I am pursuing that seductive, slightly warm mid-range and top end that usually comes from tube amplification.  

I don't think there is any tube amp out there by itself capable of powering up bass hungry 800's. I prefer not to use a subwoofer in 2 channel setup. I listen to mostly jazz and classical music and quite sure that 800's are capable of producing adequate bass with proper amplification. 

Any feedback would be appreciated. 

Al, you are spot on amp gain in bridge mode, it's 32db. I mostly listen to jazz and classical music. I think it's worth a second shot to  try vertical bi-ampimg again tomorrow and increase the volume upto 80db to compensate for -6db gain. 

George, good point. A loudness switch is what I need :-)

Thank you both for great feedback! 
You’re welcome! A minor correction to my previous post: The width of my room is 13.5 feet, not 12 feet.  Length is 22 feet as previously stated.

Best regards,
-- Al

Al - 

After a day of 85db plus listening, my ears were ringing all night long with musical passages :-)

In all seriousness, yes 800's and KWA150SE performed much better in vertical bi-amping at 85db plus. And I did appreciate the separation between low bass frequencies from mid's and high's. 

As others 800's owners have suggested in this thread, a higher wattage (600W -1000W) amp would be better suited for my listening preferences.  

May be a pairing of McIntosh MC601/MC301 with a tube preamp or McIntosh MC601/MC2301 with a MEN220 in front of MC2301 would just do the trick! 


I see that you have your Modwright KWA150SE up for sale.
Did you get a new amp already?
Not yet, but to move forward with new set of amps this would be the first step.