Spectral dma-90 and MIT Z center

Spectral's website says their amps should be plugged into a different circuit than everything else. The DMA90 instructions says plug it into the same account outlet as preamp. I have mit z center. Should I plug the amp into the unswitched outlet marked for amps? I have the preamp in the switched section under preamp. Is that okay or do I need to have the amp in a separate circuit which will require an electrician? 
It's fine to do as you mention. More isolation between amp and preamp may be better. If your preamp does not draw enough power to overheat the Z Center isolated outlet I would experiment using the isolated outlet for the preamp and see if sound is clearer. Where is your CD player plugged in?
I got the newer mit powerbar since sung thus qypuestoon. Let.Cd player plugged into digital outlet.