Tube vs Solid State


For past few months, I have been trying to achieve best possible sound in my rig. The focus now is clearly on a improving 2 channel sound in what started as a home theater room.  

In past couple of years, I have added N10, Modwright DAC and very recently a LS36.5 linestage . The amps are Modwright KWA150SE. I am running pair of KWA150SE's in bridge mode (450Wx1) for the mighty B&W 800D2's.  While I like the sound as is, still feel something is missing. 

I have been toying with the idea of bi-amping.  One thought is to add mono tube amps to run mid's and high's and let the KWA150SE's handle the LF's. I am pursuing that seductive, slightly warm mid-range and top end that usually comes from tube amplification.  

I don't think there is any tube amp out there by itself capable of powering up bass hungry 800's. I prefer not to use a subwoofer in 2 channel setup. I listen to mostly jazz and classical music and quite sure that 800's are capable of producing adequate bass with proper amplification. 

Any feedback would be appreciated. 

IMO.. proper room acoustics and accurate speaker placement can give better results than trying to improve the electronics with the stuff you have. play around with those first.
I congratulate you on considering bi-amping.  Here's the gear I'd use for this effort.  First off I'd get the DDRC-24 from miniDSP.   It comes with a license for using DIRAC room measurement software.

You'll probably want to get a calibrated measurement microphone from Parts-Express.  Not at all expensive.

After that I'd look into the Bob Latino tube amps from VTA.  If you're really looking to run some juice, you might want to think about using the M125 monoblocks (120 watts) for your bass end and the ST-120 (60 wpc) for your high end.  I think that's overkill actually, but that's the biggest beef you can find.

You can buy them pre-assembled and tested, or you can build them yourself.  I think building them is much, much more fun, but that's up to you.
Sounds like a cool idea. .I have a cary sli80 and a hegel h360 so I can switch it up from time to time. .speakers are Thiel cs3.7 and the best combo I ran through them was a mcintosh mc7270 with the cary sp05 preamp. .it really work the speakers up!  I'm thinking about some tube monoblocks as well.both ayon and carver put out some powerful tube amps..bit pricey but I I'm betting pretty spectacular. .best of luck. 
I've heard some awesome things about the Bricasti M28 Mono Blocks paired specifically with large B&W loudspeakers.  No personal experience.
As far as preamplifiers are concerned, in my not so humble opinion, there are only preamplifiers that sound worse than the Sutherland N1 none better.
Good luck