Absolute Sound - do we really need another review like this?

I own the OPPPO 105 player purchased 3 years ago and still very satisfied with it.
There are TONS and TONS of glowing reviews of this unit and apparently oppo is working on a replacement model.

In this current February 2017 issue of Absolute Sound, there is yet another review (a brief one) on this unit.

Kind of long in the tooth and totally futile. Sounds like the following Scenario:

oppo: hi stereophile, look, we are still a few months away from putting out the 105 replacement, could you run something just so that we can keep the flame alive before the new model come out?

 Sorry but that went trough my head reading this review of the still-stellar and reviewed to death Oppo 105.

Cheers all !

I see your point. However such reviews are not completely useless (at least to me). When I research a product I put a little more weight on the most recent reviews. This makes sense to me even for products that have been on the market for a few years. In the case of the Oppo 105, there are surely newer players on the market. If the reviewer feels that the 105 still rates high against this backdrop, surely that is useful information.
Yes, the 105 is DISCONTINUED as in no longer available...again, why this review....Tell is instead about the upcoming replacement model !

Still, the 105 remains a superb, no-brainer choice.
It is all about advertising dollars- soniqmike.

Oppo is okay, at best. Happy Listening!
It seems that almost all the advertisers in TAS quote the reviews in TAS. I subscribe but use it more just to learn what products are out there, then come here and to other forums to get the real low down. Not saying the reviews are bogus. I just need more opinions before spending my money.
I always enjoyed Stereo Review back in the 70s and early 80s. Mainly, much of the gear was affordable for me. The masses now want iPod type system and/ or home theatre.