Chord Dave or Ayre QX5 Twenty DAC???

Down to two choices in DAC's, the Chord Dave or the Ayre QX-5 Twenty. Comes down to best sound or versatility and cost. Speakers are Wilson Audio Sasha's and amp is T+A 2500R. Love the versatility of the Ayre but the sound of the Chord Dave is phenomenal, not sure if the Ayre could compare. Not sure if the Chord would still sound as good without spending mass amounts on a power regenerator and power cable. 
I'm pretty sure that it was the Formula. It was at AXPONA 2016 in a room featuring all Italian brands and I believe it was the North American premier for the Formula,. 

If I'm mistaken then I apologize. If in fact what I heard was the La Scala,  it was indeed excellent in that room.
Hello Mike,
I looked it up to be certain.  AXPONA 2016 room 506 debut of the Aqua  Formula with Angstrom electronics.  It was one of the very best sounding systems of the entire show. 
mikelavigne do you prefer the Golden Gate Lampi or Aqua Formula?  Also have you ever had the latest MSB Diamond in your system?  I may be looking to upgrade in the not so distant future.  Have a Chord Dave an an older (2013) MSB on hand.  Can't really decide between them - Dave has more resolution, top to bottom control, MSB has more natural sound and overall warmer presentation.  So the only solution is to sell them both and spend more!  Was thinking of upgrading to the newest MSB DAC V Diamond with their high end clock which would cost more than the Aqua Formula.  Or going a different route.  Maybe I'll sell my Dave to the OP :)

wardl, understand that my preference includes the SGM music server, i’ve not listened to the Aqua Formula without it. but; with the SGM for my particular system i prefer the Aqua Formula to my much loved fully updated (actually new) Lampizator Golden Gate. where the DHT GG brings wonderful rich and colorful highlighting to vocals and lots of music, it does not do space or texture like the Formula. it is not as low in noise. in my system i prefer the presentation of the Formula. it is more ’of a piece’ with my vinyl and my system’s full range solidity. and the Formula is very natural and has wonderful tone and body.

likely there are many systems and listeners which would prefer my Lampizator Golden Gate to the Formula. it's a system and taste matching question.

my guess is that the Formula with the SGM server would be equal to the MSB DAC V Diamond, but maybe not the Select II. and the reason is the SMG’s optimization of HQ Player which will allow the RTR pcm dac of the Formula to still do dsd at a very high level.

I owned the Trinity dac which I view as better than the MSB V. and I think the SGM + Formula is equal to the Trinity dac in my system.

I hope that helps.