Why do I get a poping sound??

When I switch digital channels on cable or mute or switch from CD to Video1,2,3 on my Rotel 1068 I get a POP sound, light on the panels of my Innersound Eros speakers and ofcourse more pronounced on the bass cone, it is Bi-amped and this is my second unit, Rotel said the heard nothing on my last unit and sent this one brand new.
I know the speakers are 98db efficient but I really dont think this is normal, but after 2 units I wonder if it is something I am just going to have to accept?
OH I laughed, thats why I am back at 4am...I didnt even learn my lessson.
I had the same trouble with almost every pre-pro I used. The only one I've found that I've used that doesn't pop is my Lexicon MC-12,or MC-8 What they do is Mute the outputs till the Pre-Amp has a chance to lock on to the Dig. Signal. The end result is I never get any more Tweeter burning pops!! What I did find to work on my B&K was to use the mute before changing chanels on my cable box,kind of a Pain but effective.