What CD player/transport has the most stable mechanism?

I was wondering if someone out there could help me with this question. What CD player/transport has the most stable mechanism? By that I mean, what player/transport isolates the player from external bumps and vibration?
For years I have owned a SOTA sapphire turntable. Not that I've tried it, but you can drop a bowling bowl on it and not cause a skip. Is there a CD equivalent? No one talks about this, but for me, it's hugely important. I'm asking about vintage equipment, new stuff, cheap, expensive, whatever. BTW, I'm not asking about isolation equipment or racks or anything like that. Just the intrinsic stability of the player itself. Thanks in advance!
Probably Esoteric, their evolution of the legendary Teac VRDS cd drive. Here are some pictures for you to see just how robust they are:

I agree with jond, probably the Esoteric line of players are most famous for their transport design.
why is it hugely important?

are you going to mount the thing in an off-road vehicle?

the real question is whether a unit can deal with mechanical shock electronically, mechanically or however so that SQ is not affected