Albertporter,Tireguy, Sean, MikeLavigne, Ozzy ??

This are the Agoners That I enjoy reading their post, Sean come back I miss those long post, Tireguy make me laugh many times, good Agoners, Mike is full of knowledge and humility Even though his system is one of the best, Albert is always a gentlemen as well, Ozzy very informative as well. I learn a lot from their post.Agoners is there a members here that you guys like to read their post and admire?

Ditto, Albert.  BTW, my wife just loves the Sony A6000 you recommended.  /the darn thing even does auto-cropping while retaining the original!!!  A long way from old Exacta w hand held meter :- 0
Easiest and most convenient camera is my phone, then the Sony A6000 and last the Nikon D800.

Reverse order for best quality to least, much like high end audio, right? :-).

I went away for a year or two and came back. After my latest attempt to return, I see absolutely no progress here. Kind of the blind leading the blind. The same old endless threads with exactly the same topics as a decade ago - topics revisited On and on and on and on. Threads sabotaged regularly by shills so consistently I would never come here for advice. No wonder even the most revered diehard audiophile gurus have lost interest.