Albertporter,Tireguy, Sean, MikeLavigne, Ozzy ??

This are the Agoners That I enjoy reading their post, Sean come back I miss those long post, Tireguy make me laugh many times, good Agoners, Mike is full of knowledge and humility Even though his system is one of the best, Albert is always a gentlemen as well, Ozzy very informative as well. I learn a lot from their post.Agoners is there a members here that you guys like to read their post and admire?

I went away for a year or two and came back. After my latest attempt to return, I see absolutely no progress here. Kind of the blind leading the blind. The same old endless threads with exactly the same topics as a decade ago - topics revisited On and on and on and on. Threads sabotaged regularly by shills so consistently I would never come here for advice. No wonder even the most revered diehard audiophile gurus have lost interest.
Post removed 
Thanks to this thread, Albert and I have connected and hopefully I get to visit him and his system shortly.  
Shadorne same here, I was out for maybe 8 yrs, I totally agree with you, I miss good informative good post, that's why I wrote this thread, to invite all the pioneers here, I hope they will continue to post here.Joey are welcome...

@jayctoy I'm still alive :-) Thanks for the recognition.  Truth be told, life just got hectic.  Circa 2007 I sold my business, then entered a period of self-reflection, which set me on a meandering journey.  I moved throughout the country, learning more about myself the the USA at the same than I ever thought I'd know. Then I got married, started a family, started a new business... Every big change I dialed my system back further and further.  I now have a modest rig in our living room, with a fruit snack stuck on the side of our Hsu powered sub, kids make audio an interesting experiment. I've also started an exploration of personal audio, which suits my lifestyle better now, so headphones, DAC's, and USB cables are the flavor of today.  

While I enjoyed the gear, it turns out to me, it really is just about the music, at every leg of the journey I've been on music was a huge part of my life.  I've also grown up a lot since I was originally an active contributor on this site, I was just a teenager when I found Audiogon.  

I will likely step up my home rig when the kids are older, but for now it's Oppo cans, Spotify, and an audioengine dac - which sounds amazing, very similar to my maggie 3.6 system I had over a decade and a half ago!

Cheers friends, music lovers, and audio gear nuts!