Plasma owners any problems??

It seems you hear all the things that are wrong with Plasmas but I feel they are close to a direct view screen as one can get. I am looking at the Panasonic Onyx and the Pioneer Elite as my choice. Before I plop the plastic, has anyone had issues from thier plasma Tv? Noise, pixle failure, etc. Appreciate any input.
Plasma is wonderful. There are some issues regarding inputs that are still getting worked out. You can even get some software that is full of famous paintings like Van Gogh, etc. so that even when you are not watching it you have a revolving museum of paintings all filling in your 'painting'.

The "classic paintings" software is a neat idea, however, Plasma TVs do have a finite life based on hours of usage. If you plan to use a Plamsa TV for many years, I would recommend turning it off when not actively watching it.

There are some nice "picture frame"enclosures for Plasma TVs that look like a picture frame arount the TV and have retractable prints that cover the screen when not in use. I've seen a few of these at hig-end home shows and they look pretty cool, especially for Plasmas that are mounted above fireplaces.


Does anybody have input in regards to some of these 'new name' plasmas? I am more and more coming across plasma sets that retail for half of the big guys, but the name brands are completely unfamiliar. Off hand I do not have any company names, but, this past weekend, a flyer arrived advertising 42" plasma for $1,800.00 Cdn. Again -the company name was completely unfamiliar.
42 inch Panasonics start at 1500 US online authorized reseller so there isnt really a need to consider Maxent, Voire, LG, Benq etc. Unless you really want to try out an other name brand.

I am not saying Panasonic is the best, second best whatever, but their QA is pretty high.
AFAIK, there are only a few display manufacturers. Different brands take an established display and add their own electronics, or sometimes just re-badge them.