Plasma owners any problems??

It seems you hear all the things that are wrong with Plasmas but I feel they are close to a direct view screen as one can get. I am looking at the Panasonic Onyx and the Pioneer Elite as my choice. Before I plop the plastic, has anyone had issues from thier plasma Tv? Noise, pixle failure, etc. Appreciate any input.
AFAIK, there are only a few display manufacturers. Different brands take an established display and add their own electronics, or sometimes just re-badge them.
I see that Hitachi is offering a plasma and calling it "1080p II" but the resolution is only 1024 x 1024. I would think that that is just 1080i. I haven't gotten a chance to compare it yet but the real claim to fame for this unit is reduced screen door effect. The dealer states that Hitachi just built a factory just to make the glass for these. Any thoughts on this vs. the Pioneer Elite?
Actually you are referring to the glass, not the electronics. The only glass manufacturers for Plasma are Panasonic Pioneer, and Hitachi, as well as Samsung and perhaps LG. Pioneer is shutting down production lines for plasmas in 2006. The electronics and specs are largely proprietary; this is why a Dell Plasma with Panny glass and a Panny are two different animals.