Chord Dave or Ayre QX5 Twenty DAC???

Down to two choices in DAC's, the Chord Dave or the Ayre QX-5 Twenty. Comes down to best sound or versatility and cost. Speakers are Wilson Audio Sasha's and amp is T+A 2500R. Love the versatility of the Ayre but the sound of the Chord Dave is phenomenal, not sure if the Ayre could compare. Not sure if the Chord would still sound as good without spending mass amounts on a power regenerator and power cable. 

Yes Troy, Chord uses a PULSE ARRAY Dac withthe WTA filter at increasing tap lengths.

The point I think Cstooner was making is that there are many ways to update and the reputation of the manufacturers matter most. I and many others have sent back our Lampis for reasonably priced updates that include both HARDWARE updates and firmware updates. In some cases even digital architecture changes, like going from Delta sigma to R2R ladder, etc.

Finally, sometimes you do need hardware upgrades. In my case the superclock additions to the Amanero USB was a most rewarding upgrade and addressed the weakest point of Amanero (great software, but lagging hardware in terms of clocs used). I also had the chipless DSD specs moved up from a 256 max to 512 capabiliy (getting my PC ready for DSD8X/DXD upsampling). There are no Dac chips in my Dac, despite have 2 DSD (chipless) and 1 PCM (ladder array) engines.

I have never owned an Ayre, but have spoken with Charlie at length. Stellar reputation. I own a Chord and their Customer service is great. Owned several lampis and have had wonderful Customer service with Lukasz and enjoyed upgrading to get his periodic advances. Everytime my Lampi comes back there is an improvement and he is always making advances.

You cant go wrong with any of these top guys, except for personal taste and system synergy. Really!

Winson, totally agree.  Many DAC makers are starting to offer these soft and hardware upgrades. If they didn't, I don't think their sales would be quite as strong.  I would not purchase one from a company that wasn't going to do updates and then wouldn't offer them.  Makes no business sense as the companies can earn a bit extra cash, but keep their users very happy and content and not wanting to sell off to get the DAC of the day.
Yes, a big part of the BoM is the chassis and power supply. No need to throw those away for software and minor hardware changes. Many are going modular now and the hand built guys always could rip out and replace the innards as things advanced.  
Plus brand loyalty is important to keep your revenue streams going.  So many high end purchasers have no problem with a 7-10 years life span for their product.  This way we can do a fairly inexpensive refresh around year 5 or so and keep the gear for at least 10 years, sell used and roll that into the NEWEST tech.  All I know is that every upgrade Ayre has offered (I went from AX7 to the evolution upgrade and then from the AX5 to the twenty upgrade) has been a game changer for them. Just huge upgrades.  I feel the 20 upgrade took the company to the upper crust of high end audio.  Just great values.  I'm sure many of you feel the same about the products you own.  As you basically stated, if and made, they can usually upgrade, but only if they can physically fit it into the box (yes, I had a DAC that wasn't going to fit the box, but eventually he said it would).  The only problem I have with the smaller companies at times is that they often are month's to a year or more behind in getting product out, especially if they have life circumstances that get in their way.  That's one reason I moved on from my original DAC to the Ayre.  I was a great great sounding DAC and I was going to do the upgrade to the new state of the art one he came out with, but it was going to take way too long to get done and he's a one man show with someone helping and if things happen, who's going to work on it etc...  again, that's just ME and MY concerns with the smaller companies.  We all know what we are getting into when making our purchasing decisions.  It's all good as it's pros and cons on each side.

Personally I think the Chord Dave is overpriced.  I heard one through very nice headphones at the recent Bristol exhibition.  No doubt it sounded good but so did the new Sony Dac at a fraction of the price. 

A shame really cos Sony in 2017 has not got the perception of making genuine High End gear but they do.